It’s Pink!

Creature Comforts Athena Paradiso

Creature Comforts Athena Paradiso – A perfectly refreshing brew for chilling on the Chattahoochee.

We have had some incredible weather here in Atlanta lately and Creature Comforts of Athens Georgia had perfect timing for their release of the incredibly refreshing Athena Paridiso.

It was a warm 75 degrees and sunny the other day so I packed up the mutts and the kayak; grabbed some cold beers and headed to the Chattahoochee river to enjoy my afternoon. The water was low and moving slow, I paddled up stream so I could casually cruise back down river to my truck. After working up a sweat in the afternoon sun I pulled an Athena Paradiso from my cooler and cracked it open.

The beer was a cold as the water and equally invigorating. This Berliner Weisse style brew is based off Athena but it has tart cherries, raspberries, and cranberry added to it. The underlying tartness of all the berries really integrates perfectly with the flavors of the Berliner Weisse. The aroma of cranberry and cherry really stands out when you pop the top.

Creature Comforts Athena Paradiso

Creature Comforts Athena Paradiso

The brew pours an intriguing hazy pink that reminds me of pink lemonade. It has a quickly dissipating head that leaves a touch of lacing. Your palate is immediately hit with piles of tart berries, almost a tart fruit punch thing going on. It has a light body for such a thick looking beer. It finishes clean and crisp with a hint of berries.

I really enjoyed this beer and I hope it becomes a regular item on the production schedule for Creature Comforts.


Beer Destroyer

Mountaintop Roasty Goodness!

Skillet Donut Stout on Blood Mountain

Skillet Donut Stout on Blood Mountain

Skillet Donut Stout is brewed by Burial in Asheville, NC and has become one of my favorite coffee stouts to enjoy when I can get my hands on it. Being that I’m in Georgia I don’t get my hands on the brew often enough. I took a little trip up to Asheville a couple of weekends ago and scored a 4 pack of the Skillet Donut Stout (should have bought a 100 pack) along with some Bolo Coconut Brown ale. I enjoyed a few pints and played a little corn hole on the breweries back patio.

Recently I headed to north Georgia for a day hike up Blood Mountain and ran in to some unexpected but welcome snow fall. I packed some snacks for myself and my dogs as well as a Skillet Donut Stout for my summit victory beer.

We hiked 2 miles up the mountain and reached the snowy summit; my dogs and I walked into the mountain top shelter to find my beer and jerky while taking a break from the wind. With all the snow and cold wind the Skillet Donut Stout was a perfect compliment to the weather, warming me up with every 8% abv sip. I cracked open the beer and headed back outside to climb up the large boulders for a better view.

Blood Mountain Shelter

Blood Mountain Shelter with Eva the boxer

We hung out for a bit but my Boston Terrier was getting chilly so we shared some jerky and headed back down the mountain.

When you crack open a Skillet Donut Stout you are quickly greeted with substantial aroma of fresh brewed coffee. The brew pours an opaque black with very minimal head and mild lacing on the glass. It smells wonderful but the flavor is even more amazing; the beer bursts with huge coffee flavors trailed by rich dark chocolate notes and a mild sweetness. It has a clean and roasty finish that just begs you to take another sip.

Skillet Donut Stout

Skillet Donut Stout

Overall this a delicious well balanced brew. The mild sweet cocoa flavor plays very well with the roasted malts and robust coffee flavors. Even at 8% it is really sessionable with no real boozy flavor. I can’t endorse this brew enough, if your in Asheville I highly recommend that you swing by Burial and give it a try.


Beer Destroyer