Destroyed in November

Destroyed in July

Hoppilicious Bigfoot

A glass of Sierra Nevada Big Foot with Wet Citra Hops added to the glass

Big Foot hopped up with some wet Citra hops.

I decided to amp up an all ready big brew(Sierra Nevada Big Foot) by throwing in some Citra hops that I had in the freezer; the Citra hops were wet hops left over from harvest season. I made sure to stash some in my freezer for future use. I swirled and squished the hops a bit in the beer to force some of tasty fresh hop goodness into the beer immediately. After it sat for about 5 – 10 mins it was like i was drinking a completely different beer. It tasted like a malt bomb of an IPA with the fresh citrus notes battling the malty finish. The fresh Citra flavors hung out for a while after sipping and left my pallet begging for another swill.